Category Archives: Publicity

Included in AcrylicWorks5

Last year I submitted a number of acrylic paintings to AcrylicWorks, a competition for inclusion in an annual book-format collection of paintings centered around a common theme. This year’s theme was “bold values” where value, for artists, specifies the lightness or darkness of the paint, whatever medium is employed.

From the book introduction:

“What is the value of value? This question is commonly posed to artists
when beginning their creative journey. And value is so valuable!
For many artists, it is the number one design principle required for
a successful painting. Value creates interest, mood, contrast and
helps artists express what they want to say about the subject. Value
provides an underlying structure to a painting; without a solid value
plan, you don’t have a plan at all…”

I am happy that two of my acrylic paintings (below), now in private collections, were selected along with 125 other wonderful paintings by over 100 artists in this, the 5th annual, AcrylicWorks5. I received my contributor copy of the book last week and it is beautifully laid out and edited and, regardless of my inclusion in it, it would grace anyone’s coffee table.


The book and/or e-book can be ordered directly from the publisher at ArtistsNetwork AcrylicWorks 5