I was working on a newsletter for this week with the history of why I do realistic artwork but I decided that with over 1000 folks dying almost every day for the past who knows how long, my “story” just does not seem very important right now in the grand scheme of things.
So with that cheery thought, I am just going to make this and probably the postings for the next few months very short, just showing recent finished pieces and maybe some “works in progress” that I hope might bring back fond memories for you of places you have been (or ones you hope to visit in the future) that might cheer you up if you are feeling down while enduring this stressful time, even just a little bit.
Stay safe and well, keep your distance(s) and please, as they say, “Wear a damn mask!”

Thank you for reading! I hope you find these newsletter pieces interesting. If you are reading them on social media and would like to get them by email, please go to santhony.com to sign up as well as see some of my latest work, leave comments and read previous posts.